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About Me

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I'm an asker of questions, a reader of footnotes.

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it hasn't gotten me.

A museum exhibit. A magazine article. A podcast episode. A book. 

Everywhere I turn, I find stories. Sometimes people are telling them.

Sometimes people are living them. Either way: I have questions.

Things I want to know more about. Parts of the story that were left untold.

Often I can't get the answers to the questions I ask.

Maybe no one knows. Maybe they know but they're not telling.

Maybe I get an answer but it leads to new questions.

This is why I write: to satisfy my insatiable curiosity.

To fill in the gaps. To reconstruct what's missing or forgotten.

I look around corners. I turn over stones. I read between the lines.

And because I'm a writer, I sometimes (often!) make things up.


WHO am I? A playwright, children's book author, lyricist and educator based in Brooklyn, NY.

WHAT have I written? 4 award-winning plays, plus 2 children's picture books.

WHERE/WHEN might you have seen my work? Mad Cow Theatre's Women's Voices Festival (2021),

Centenary Stage Co.'s Women Playwright Series (2021), Women's Theatre Festival: Occupy the Stage (2020),

Nora Salon & Nora Salon South (2017/2019), The Bechdel Group (2018).

WHY do I write? See above.

HOW can you find out more? Check out my full bio on the New Play Exchange, or contact me by clicking here.

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